On June 10, 2021, the acceptance commission, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Nazarov, signed an act of acceptance of the commissioning complex of the first power unit of the […]
Certificate of acceptance for commercial operation of the first unit of BelNPP signed

International Safety Check Started at BelNPP

Experts from the European Commission and the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) arrived at the plant site as part of a partner review of the National Action Plan based […]
Trademark of the Belarusian Nuclear Insurance Pool is registered

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Trademarks and Service Marks” dated December 5, 1993 in accordance with the results […]
Belarusian nuclear insurance pool reinsured the civil liability of JSC “TVEL” (Russia) for nuclear damage

On August 17, 2020 the Belarusian Nuclear Insurance Pool and the Russian Nuclear Insurance Pool signed a contract of reinsurance of the civil liability of JSC «TVEL» (Russia) for nuclear […]
Belarusian nuclear insurance pool reinsured property damage of Bruce Nuclear Generating Station (Canada)

August 14, 2020 The Belarusian Nuclear Insurance Pool, together with the British Nuclear Insurance Pool (Nuclear Risk Insurers Ltd), have concluded a contract on reinsurance of property damage (including business […]
Belarusian nuclear insurance pool took part in reinsurance of property damage of Barakah Nuclear Power Station (UAE)

In accordance with the terms of the reinsurance agreement with the British Nuclear Insurance Pool (Nuclear Risk Insurers Ltd) signed on August 14, 2020, the Belarusian Nuclear Insurance Pool has […]
Belarusian nuclear insurance pool took part in reinsurance of civil liability of JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» (Russia) for nuclear damage

On June 25, 2020 the Belarusian and Russian nuclear insurance pools concluded a contract of reinsurance of civil liability of JSC «Concern Rosenergoatom» (Russia) for nuclear damage.
Belarusian nuclear insurance pool took part in reinsurance of civil liability of Chernobyl NPP for nuclear damage

July 7, 2020, the Belarusian Nuclear Insurance Pool and the Nuclear Insurance Pool of Ukraine signed a contract on reinsurance of civil liability of the State Enterprise “Chernobyl NPP” […]
Belarusian nuclear insurance pool reinsured part of the civil liability of the state enterprise “NAEK Energoatom”(Ukraine) for nuclear damage

A reinsurance agreement has been concluded between the Nuclear insurance pool of Ukraine and the Belarusian nuclear insurance pool, according to which the Belarusian nuclear insurance pool accepts reinsurance the […]
Nuclear fuel delivered to Belarusian NPP

A nuclear fuel train for the first power unit arrived at the construction site of the Belarusian nuclear power plant. The NPP provided the necessary technical readiness of the premises, […]